Balcombe Engineering has the capability, staff and experience in managing large projects. We understand that these items have detailed specifications, documentation requirements and specific delivery requirements. We have the expertise to deliver all special requirements that the client requests.
These large projects are of critical importance to our clients and require detailed communication during completion. To facilitate this Balcombe allocate a project manager to each project, giving the client a single source of contact and to ensure the project is constantly monitored as it progresses. The project manager supplies weekly progress reports as well as regular adjustments to priorities to ensure the client's sometimes shifting requirements are met.

Packed crates waiting for a packaging inspection
Ensuring that timelines are followed is an important factor in project work and, at Balcombe, we ensure that we always meet the client’s program delivery expectations. Balcombe can deliver most urgently required items in less than 10 days, whilst project lots can be delivered in 9-12 weeks. When clients require access to very rapid deliveries for last minute and commissioning items, Balcombe will endeavour to rapidly produce these items in a few days.
Project orders are characterized by volumes of items destined for a specific plant. In these instances the items are usually heavily specified and may include any or all of the following special requirements.

Part of a batch of pipeline flanges
for a Desalination Plant
- Specific materials
- Chemical and mechanical testing
- Pressure testing
- Positive material identification
- Special stamping
- Colour coding
- Weld procedures
- Traceability
- Prescribed documentation
- Inspections
- Detailed packing
- Special labelling
- Invoice and packing list formats
The range of products supplied for these projects varies widely and may be quite simple such as standard flanges through to complex tubeplates / tubesheets, baffles and nozzles.
Items can be for plant or a pipeline that is being constructed under a schedule, so the timelines are prescribed and rigorous. Often clients require access to very rapid deliveries for last minute items and commissioning items.
The Hallam facility has been custom designed to accommodate large project work. Suitable areas are available where work can be laid out and inspected by client inspectors. Sometimes the plant construction can lag behind schedule, so storage is often made available to clients so the items can be completed and then held until required on site.